Mama uzvratila učiteljici koja je djetetu rekla da postoji dobra i loša hrana

Mama uzvratila učiteljici koja je djetetu rekla da postoji dobra i loša hrana

Mama Caroline postala je viralna nakon što je odgovorila učiteljici koja je njenom djetetu savjetovala kako bi trebalo jesti.

Poruka učiteljici objavljena je na TikToku, a u njoj piše:

  • Pozdrav! Evelyn ima naše dopuštenje da ruča redoslijedom kojim želi. Nijedna od njenih namirnica nije ‘dobra’ ili ‘loša’. To je samo hrana. Hvala, Caroline i Joey.

Caroline je pojasnila da se na pisanje poruke odlučila nakon što joj je kćerka ispričala da joj je učiteljica rekla da mora pojesti svu “dobru” hranu prije nego što krene jesti “lošu”.

  • Nije joj dala da pojede kolačić prije nego što pojede sendvič i krastavce. Takve zastarjele upute me frustriraju. To je smiješno. Nema ‘dobre’ ili ‘loše’ hrane. Hrana je samo hrana – smatra majka.

Ona se vodi logikom da organizam treba svega kako bi se mogao razvijati i rasti.

  • Ako jedete samo mrkvu ili brokulu, vaše tijelo neće imati proteina koji su mu potrebni za rast mišića. Ako jedete samo piletinu, vaše tijelo neće imati dovoljno energije za stvari poput trčanja i igre cijeli dan. Trebamo pomalo od svega kako bismo bili sigurni da možemo učiti, igrati se i rasti – pojasnila je.

Odgovor učiteljici podijelio je gledatelje videa, koji su počeli raspravljati je li mama u krivu ili u pravu.

  • Učiteljica mora provjeriti što djeca jedu. To je njen posao – smatra jedna osoba.
  • Sigurna sam da učiteljica nije htjela ispasti okrutna. Trebali ste razgovarati s njom prije nego što ste preko djeteta poslali pasivno-agresivnu poruku – navodi druga.
  • Zastrašujuće je kada pomislim čemu sve podučavaju našu djecu, a mi nad time nemamo kontrolu – kaže treća.

Here’s the story: My three-year-old came home from school yesterday, telling me that her teacher told her that she had to eat all of her “good” foods before she ate her “bad” foods. She couldn’t have her cookie before eating her sandwich and cucumbers. In this moment, I felt a little frustrated by the antiquated instruction from the teacher, but I responded saying, “Well that’s silly. There are no good foods or bad foods. Food is just food!“ I will say, this was not my internal dialogue growing up, but because of the information that I have from so many great accounts created by moms and experts, in the field of childhood and nutrition, I am armed with better responses, knowledge and practices for my kids. Three years old. At three years old someone has told her that foods are good or bad. I am so proud that she had sensed something was off – to know that was not right enough to tell me about it. We talk about it all the time at home… If you only eat carrots or broccoli your body won’t have protein it needs to grow strong muscles. If you only eat chicken, your body won’t have enough energy to do things like run and play all day long. We need little bits of everything to make sure that we are able to learn and play and grow all day long. So to the accounts that make sure we have the words, knowledge and confidence to write the note and practice it at home, I thank you, thank you, thank you. It has changed our family for the better. What you do and what you share is so important to young families. #kidsnutrition #kidseatincolor #solidstarts #kidfood #babyledweaning toddlers moms babies family @Jennifer Anderson, MSPH RD @Feeding Littles @Kacie Barnes, MCN, RDN @Food Science Babe

♬ It’s All Right I Got Ya Baby – Neon Dreams
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